Thursday 29 March 2012

Virtual Campaigning

I've been away from this blog as I am trying to support a new up&coming social media site started here in Alberta. I like it because it is similar to TED:Ideas Worth Sharing but geared more towards personal writing. I can post small articles longer than the sound bites of Twitter and keep separate from my Facebook, since I am friends with my children, I try to do much of my virtual campaigning on Grey Box, Twitter and here.

I am still fundraising in order to afford signs. I'm visiting as many groups as I can and this weekend I am starting door knocking and having my first campaign meeting on Monday or Tuesday.

I hope I haven't lost some followers due to lack of posts but I'll try to keep posting on both this blog and my articles.

I think the campaign is going great. I am not discouraged by the polls since I know what people think of them and that they are probably way off because people don't like them. I know I change my answer all the time because it is none of anyone's business to know how I am voting. Sure this time it should be obvious.

Join and visit my Grey Box site. I am sure you won't be disappointed.

Keep spreading the word to VOTE.

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